

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/3 18:26:00


ACCOMPLISH研究是第一个将固定剂量复合制剂(SPC)RAAS/CCB同RAAS/利尿剂用于高血压或高心血管事件风险的患者效果比较的试验,您认为这个研究是否会推动固定复方制剂(single-pill combination,SPC)在临床高血压治疗中的广泛应用呢?您认为ACCOMPLISH研究对JNC8及ESC/ESH高血压指南对于SPC的临床应用将会有何影响?请您谈谈SPC在高血压治疗中的地位。

International Circulation:  The ACCOMPLISH study is the first study comparing the effect of a singe-pill combination (SPC) RAAS/CCB and RAAS/diuretic in patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk. Do you feel that the results encourage the general application of the SPC in antihypertensive therapy?


Michael Weber:  One of the most remarkable findings of the ACCOMPLISH study was that we achieved better blood pressure control in our patients than in any other hypertension trial ever reported.  It gives a very strong endorsement to the use of fixed pill or fixed dose combinations.  We looked at a blocker of the renin/angiotensin system plus amlodipine and a combination of the same blocker of the renin/angiotensin system plus a diuretic and in both cases we had superb reductions in blood pressure.  There were some differences in other outcomes but we were delighted with how effectively we could control the blood pressure in these high-risk people. 

Michael Weber教授: ACCOMPLISH研究最标志性的发现是,本研究中患者的血压控制情况是以往所有临床试验中最好的。该结果强烈支持使用固定药片或固定剂量联合。试验对比了肾素/血管紧张素阻断剂联合氨氯地平和相同的肾素/血管紧张素阻断剂联合利尿剂的降压疗效。虽然与其他试验结果有所差异,但该结果证实可以通过这种方法更有效的控制高危人群的血压。



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版面编辑:杨新象  责任编辑:张衡


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