
[AHA2009]Philip Greenland教授谈心血管疾病的预防

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/26 17:33:00


International Circulation:Can you share with us your opinion about the role of prevention of cardiovascular disease, the role of cardiovascular diseas risk extimation in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and the status in cardiovascular prevention? 《国际循环》:您能就心血管疾病预防的作用、在心血管疾病预防中心血管疾病风险评估的作用以及心血管疾病预防现状谈谈您的看法吗?

    International Circulation:You have done research on women’s health, heart disease in women and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. What is your latest work in that particular area? And is the incidence of cardiovascular disease in women really lower than men?


    Dr Philip Greenland:I think what the evidence clearly shows is that the incidence rates are delayed in women, but the risk factor burden is still fairly high. Although if you are measuring risk factors in middle age women or even 50 or 60 age women it may seem that these risk factors are not particularly predictive.  But when we look at lifetime risk it is quite clear these risk factors are predictive. I think another important observation from many studies is that the same cardiovascular risk factors that are predicting coronary events are also strongly associated with diabetes, dementia and cognitive impairment events. So I think the public health message probably needs to be not just to focus exclusively on the cardiovascular ris

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